Monday, June 06, 2011

Beyond Black and White

Hi Meltingpot Readers,

Sorry about the spotty posting last week. I was having massive computer issues. I think they are now mostly resolved.

So, today is Monday. Just one more week before school is out and summer vacation (for my kids, not me) begins. Even though I have more writing to do, I've finally allowed myself to start focusing on the fact that in approximately 57 days, there will be a new member of the Kinky Gazpacho family. Wow, getting ready for a new baby seven years after the last one is a trip!

But I don't want to talk baby stuff...yet. What I do want to talk about is the fact that I wish I was heading to Los Angeles this week so I could participate in the Mixed Roots Film and Literary Festival. What an amazing line-up of guests, films, books, and workshops this year. I urge any and all of you in the Los Angeles area to go check it out. And did I mention it's free? Yes, all of that quality entertainment and education is free! I can't think of any better way to celebrate Loving Day than to be at that festival, where the totality of the mixed-race experience is celebrated.

And speaking of the mixed-race experience, I was interviewed today by the lovely Chris Karazin of the website Beyond Black & White. My book, Substitute Me is going to be the featured title for this month's Beyond Black & White Book Club discussion. If you want to participate in the discussion, follow the instructions on the Beyond Black & White Website. Thanks, Chris. Over on her site, Chris is writing all about Black women, interracial relationships (not just romantic) family life, pop culture and other topics meltingpot readers will prolly find of interest. Please check Chris and Beyond Black & White out when you get a chance.

And finally, if any of you are fluent in Danish, remember a few posts back I mentioned I'd been interviewed by a Danish journalist about Black women and their hair? Well, the story is out. Here's the link. I just get a tickle out of seeing my name and quotes in another language. I wonder if I sound ridiculous in Danish?

Happy day.



lifelearner said...

I was ready to discuss, after reading your novel Substitute Me, only the think doesn't work.

lifelearner said...

not "think"---*link* this computer is too fast for me to proofread!

Professor Tharps said...


I'll check on that link. sorry!!!

Heidi & Fanshen said...

Lori! We will miss you at Mixed Roots this year! Maybe you can join us for #5? P.S. I want to read the Danish story, but link not working.

Professor Tharps said...

Hi Heidi,

I just checked the link and it's working now. Let me know if you're still having trouble with it.

generic viagra news said...

I wonder if you already fix your other computer! it would be so nice.