Monday, November 30, 2009

And the Winner is...

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

Sorry for falling off the face of the blogosphere. Between Thanksgiving preparations and working on the final edits of my novel (which is due in two weeks) the Meltingpot got left behind. I apologize profusely. But let's not dwell on the past. Instead, let's talk about the winner of my Kinky Gazpacho Giveaway.

Ms. E. You won! So please send us an email at with a mailing address and we will send you a copy of Kinky Gazpacho, the book and the t-shirt from ?RU.

And speaking of giveaways...I'm in a giving mood this season and have some wonderful books to give away that would make wonderful gifts. We're talking memoirs, how-tos and spirituality focused tomes. Books that are guaranteed to make you feel good after reading.

So please stay-tuned to the Meltingpot. Thanks!


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