Monday, February 15, 2010

Take Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Since I'm going all confessional on the Meltingpot these days, I am going to admit something here that I don't like to tell most people. I have ADD...when it comes to exercise.

One minute I'm training for the marathon, the next I'm trying to get my black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I sign up for African dance class only to drop out two classes in. I paid a personal trainer to develop a workout plan just for me, only to ask for my money back once I realized how boring gym workouts really are. And the result of all this stopping and starting? I'm out of shape and I have a closest full of useless workout gear. Okay, my closet isn't that full, but I do have a purple hula hoop, two jump ropes, pink dumbells, and one of those inflatable workout balls that I NEVER use.

I think my main problem is, I get bored really easily and I'm really just too lazy to force myself to work out. If I didn't have kids or a job, this wouldn't be a problem, because I do like to exercise. But if I have to get up at the crack of dawn to fit a workout in, it ain't happening. Likewise, if you think I'm going to go running in sub-zero weather, you are mistaken. Also, I love swimming. I swam competitively for ten years as a child, but these days, I won't swim in the winter because I hate being wet and cold. I think that's a result of the aging process. Maybe I should move to Florida?

In the meantime, I've decided I can't go out like this. For the last two years my body has done some crazy things -- rejected wheat and sugar and succumbed to almost every illness that came my way -- and now I want to build it back up to super human levels. Or at least healthy ones. So, (drumroll please) I've decided to sign up for a 10-mile road race here in Philly.

The race is called The Broad Street Run and it is an annual tradition in my new hometown. The race date is Sunday, May 2, 2010 and training for me starts this week. That gives me 13 weeks to figure out how to run 10 miles without dying, I mean collapsing...or dying. I figure giving myself a specific challenge, with a relatively "short" training period, I might be able to best the ADD. And now that I've just told the whole entire world via this blog, that I intend to run, I'm hoping you can all be like my Weight Watchers buddies and cheer me along as I train. And by all means don't let me quit. I'm really good at that. Really good.

And fyi, I've never run 10 miles before, but once upon time, back in high school I ran cross country and several road races, but that was YEARS ago. If I can run a mile now, I will be impressed. But I have to start somewhere.

So, words of advice? Training tips? Training food since I can't eat pasta? I'll take them all.

Thanks for listening. And chime in with your own healthy goals. We can inspire each other.


P.S. I think we all need a superstar to emulate when we take on physical tasks. Since the second grade my superhero has always been, Wilma Rudolph. If you don't know her triumphant story, read about her here. I'm going to be channeling her spirit every day.


Mimi-Louise-Love said...

thats so good your doing that! =)
that inspires me to pick up running...and im no runner!
but i understand the stop and go rountine.

id say take time to yourself and meditate before working out.

good luck to you! =D

JennyBHammond said...

After reading your post, I'm so inspired! Good for you. Wish I could join you...but not sure if I can afford the new sneakers, workout clothes, registration cost, etc. Perhaps next year!

Did you see the link for the Team Philly Race Training Program? It starts on Feb. 27, has set times and coached runs. Check it out!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my, I thought I was the only one with a useless inflatable ball. I think its great that you are gearing up for an 8k. My hubby and I did one in December, in the rain, with 3 days of training and loved it. We plan on doing more this year. The atmosphere at the races is so inspiring and the other runners really encourage you to finish the race. It's really awesome experience. You'll love it.

As for working out,I really can't speak on it because, I too, am ADD when it comes to exercising out. Although I've been pretty consistent for the last 3 weeks( okay, the last 2 weeks)using Wii Activ. The cool thing is that you will get a different workout everytime, so you wont get bored. Be warned that this workout is NOT A JOKE. By the end of my workout I often find myself cussing my animated instructor out. Not proud of that just being honest. So if you have a Wii check it out.

Oh, it's the latest version that doesn't need the balance board. HTH.

Pernicious Panda said...

Well, setting the goal is the first step--and you've done that. Just keep up with the rest one step at a time. I'll be pulling for you!

Professor Tharps said...


Thank you so much for your support. Really, I mean it. I'm really good at starting exercise goals and not finishing. Now that I know you all believe in me (sorry to go all Sally Field on you) it's going to be that much harder to quit. Harder, but not impossible. But I want to do this. For me. To prove to myself that I can handle a physical challenge.

Waiting for Zufan! said...

WOW!!! How awesome is that!! Keep updating on how it is going.

I like the Runner's World dot com training plans. There is a Smart Coach link, and you type in your variables and it gives you a plan. Of course, I rarely actually follow the plan, but it gives you a framework, anyway. Also, Hal Higdon is great and non intimidating for beginners. Pick up one of his books.

I started by walk/running two miles at time. And I hate the cold, too. The treadmill is a Midwestern girl's best friend.

YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I'm rooting for you all the way.

Professor Tharps said...


You may not know this, but you've totally been my inspiration on the running thing. I'm not crazy and would never even let the word marathon pass my lips, but seriously, I have to try this. Got my new sneakers this weekend and my running bag in the office so i have no excuse not to run after work. thanks for the support! really.