Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Time to Vote for the Best in Mixie Films and Litearture

Hi Meltingpot Readers,

I just finished watching the classic, Imitation of Life and now I want to talk about it. What a fascinating and disturbing film. And to think the story is still relevant today in 2011.

Even though I did not love the movie, I do applaud a film that attempts to dissect/examine those complex issues of race and identity. And now you can applaud in a more significant way for all of the books and films that dare to go there.

Please take a minute to visit the Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival website and vote for the best books and films that highlight the mixed experience. Even if you don't vote, it's a great collection of literature and films that they have assembled as nominations. You might want to use it as a guide for 'what to read/watch next.' I know I am.

Do you think there are any books or films that the festival organizers missed and should have been on those lists? What are they?
I'm listening.


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