Okay, I admit this is just shameless self-promotion, but Kim Wayans just sent me an email saying she LOVED Kinky Gazpacho! Let me explain why this means so much to me. 1. I love the entire Wayans family, like they were my own long-lost hilarious cousins. They defined the 90s for me as a budding multiculturalist who yearned to make fun not war between different ethnic groups. 2. Despite my horrific lack of rhythm, I wanted nothing more than to be a Fly Girl, dancing up there on the stage behind Kim and Damon and Keenan. Yeah, me and Jenny from the Block (aka. J.Lo)shaking our groove things. (Obviously didn't happen.) And 3. Kim and her hubby Kevin Knotts are now writing their own multi-culti books. They've penned a delightful series for young readers about a multi-ethnic little girl (She's Black, White, Korean and Japanese) named Amy Hodges, nicknamed, Amy Hodgepodge. So Kim's thumbs up isn't just praise from a famous fan, it means another writer committed to exploring the intimate places of America's meltingpot, likes my book. Yeah for me! Yeah for Kim!
This is awesome. I loved that show to because it was groundbreaking. Nothing wrong with a little self promo. If you dont you can wait forever for other to.
Well, I just read your book and I loved it too. We need more books like yours that show another side of the many sides of our reality.
Barba tecadi
Great news. I love Kim too. I am excited about her books. Thanks for hipping me to her work. I just got Kinky Gazpacho on Friday and took it with me to Houston for the weekend. I am digging it so far. I love your story. Will share more about the book on my blog by the end of the month. Peace and keep writing and inspiring us all. Ananda
Thanks for the love.
I appreciate your comments and please come back to the Meltingpot.
Thanks for buying my book and I hope you like it all the way through.
It's cool to get emails from anybody, but, yes, I'm a sucker too for notes from well-known people.
Thank you. I needed that. I still get starstruck sometimes and I used to work at Entertainment Weekly. You'd think I'd be over it by now. I won't even tell you who's window I was peeping into in NYC last weekend!!!
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