Monday, November 15, 2010

Music Monday: Cree Summer

Meltingpot Readers,

Did you know November is National Native American Heritage Month? I didn't either until a couple of days ago, so don't feel bad. However, if you're like me and you don't necessarily have a direct connection to Native American culture, you might be wondering, well how should I celebrate? How about if you just try to pay attention to some of the people, places and things that make our culture wonderful that come from Native Americans. That way you'll have a month of endless celebrations.

For example, one of my favorite most overlooked female singers is Cree Summer. Technically, she's Black and Native Canadian, not Native American but since she was born in the US, I think we can claim her for this month's celebratory purposes. Some of you may know her from her role on the 1980s sitcom, A Different World, where she played Freddie Brooks. Or, if you have kids, you'll know her as the voice of Clifford the Big Red Dog's poodle friend, Cleo. Clearly, she's multi-talented, but her solo album Street Faerieis why I will always love her. I love every single song on the album. But for some reason her studio didn't push the album and we've never gotten a new album from this amazing musician.

But hold the phone, I just found this video on YouTube which is her most recent work, I believe. It's powerful stuff people. Can somebody get on the phone and get Ms. Summer to make another album?



AnaCeleste said...

I'm glad you posted this info for the blog today! I was planning on buyer Cree's CD this weekend off of I listened to clips of it on youtube and was in love the tracks I heard. I feel she's a great singer and very talented in a number of areas. Hopefully, she'll release another CD soon, even if it means doing so independently.

Professor Tharps said...

I'm with you. I hope she releases more music soon. I just love her voice and her music.

evelyn.n.alfred said...

I thought maybe I was the only one who had a copy of her CD. She has this song on there called "Curious White Boy" that I used to sing when I was frustrated.

AnaCeleste said...

Hey! The younger girl in the video looks like Lenny Kravitz's daughter. I'm willing to bet that may be her since Cree and Lenny are friends.

BJ Thornton said...

Wonderful rec! I didn't know that she was a singer. Love the song.